About Us

Grow Your Company with Tucson’s Exclusive Business Association

Want to be a part of our network throughout the greater Tucson area? Connect with us to learn how to become a member!

Our History & Purpose

The Formation of TAE

The Tucson Association of Executives was founded in 1999 by Bob Webb and eight other local business owners to offer confidential business information among the member firms. This association was patterned after the Executive’s Associations Movement started in San Francisco in 1916 by a small group of businessmen meeting together to enhance each other’s business. They were already exchanging business with one another and were looking for ways to further grow their businesses. 1999

Present Day

Since the original founding, TAE has grown to offer important business contacts, provoke fresh thinking and mutual business success, support members with assets and strategies, find unrivaled opportunities for members and to find solutions to business challenges. Unlike any other Executive Association in the country, TAE offers unique member benefits.February 14, 2025

Our Values

TAE Welcomes New Members

We look forward to hearing from business owners and executives who are interested in joining TAE. In order to ensure the cohesiveness and camaraderie of our group, TAE maintains an extensive vetting process. Our criteria for membership eligibility are as follows:

All members must maintain an excellent professional reputation, with few to no complaints against their businesses. ​

All members’ businesses must be located within Pima, Pinal, or Santa Cruz Counties.​

Members must be the business owner, partner, CEO, or President. If the company is national, then the highest ranking local executive may be accepted for membership.​

The primary category (80% or more of the business) of a prospective members’ business must not directly compete with any other member.

Our Membership Process

Our thoughtful process ensures our membership core is solid and that none of our members own or operate businesses that directly compete with each other. In other words, when our group generates a lead for a particular type of business, it goes directly to the only member with that type of company.  Current members may recommend a new member for consideration. Alternatively, potential members may submit themselves for consideration. Our vetting process is as follows:
Step 1
A potential member or their recommending member submits information via our application form.
Step 2
The Membership Development Committee (MDC) reviews the application and conducts an investigation to determine whether the business is in good standing and whether the potential member meets all eligibility criteria.
Step 3
If the potential member passes the MDC’s vetting process, their information is turned over to the Board of Directors. The Board decides whether to approve the individual for possible membership.
Step 4
If the Board approves, then a notice about the potential member is published in TAE’s weekly newsletter on two consecutive weeks. The newsletter is confidential, sent only to our members. Existing members have the opportunity to object to or vouch for the potential member. If an objection is raised, the Board reviews the objection to determine whether to reject the membership application.
Step 5
If the potential member passes this vetting process, they are issued an invitation to attend a weekly meeting as a guest. This allows the prospective member to see how our group operates and how our meetings proceed.
Step 6
If the potential member decides to accept the invitation for membership, they will pay a fee, be included in our member directory, and begin attending our lead generation meetings and social events.
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